High Profit PLR for the discerning entrepreneur

Instantly Own This "Done-For-You" High-Demand Social Media Product

without spending a fortune, devoting weeks of time,

or stressing over product creation

100 Images with text PLUS 100 Images without text

PLUS 400 Motivational Texts (Captions)


Slap YOUR Own Name on this premium quality product in the high-demand Social Media niche.

Rebrand It. Resell It.

Keep 100% Of The Profits

While you can obviously use these images and motivational posts on your own and clients' Social Profiles and Pages ... you can also Resell these images and posts.

Social Posts is a HUGE niche for earning money from your own products, because marketers, entrepreneurs, and business owners are in constant need of new content they can use on their social media channels.

Buyers in this niche are cash-rich multi-purchase consumers with an insatiable appetite for new products, so there is constant demand you can fullfill.



What Do Our Users Think?

My posts of late have needed an update! Having a choice of words to go with the post has JUST made my posting easier and more insightful!

David Lawson – Relationship Coach

I love volume1!

Andrea Matthews

These Social Posts are fantastic. The images vary in color and font so they look unique on my sites and the comments make this a complete package ready to schedule and post.

Art Remnet, The Strategic Marketing Group

The images with quotes are perfect for my social media marketing capturing attention immediately and help you stand out in a crowded community! When combined with the matching text articles they not only keep my viewers engaged but at the same time they are very self motivating - I have put some of them on my phone for me as they can be powerful for keeping you focussed on positivity. The image quotes and the matching articles keeps followers coming back and helps to create new prospects for my products. Outstanding value for the investment!

Sid Kaplan - Cruise Travel Consultant


Why Grab This High-Quality PLR Package Today?

  • Put Your Own Name As Creator
  • Unique Content covering the most in-demand self-help topics
  • 100% Original Content Previously Un-Released
  • Full-Researched Product In High-Demand Niche Packed With Insatiable Buyers
  • Complete Sales Funnel and Promotional Material
  • Rebrand and sell for 100% profits
  • FULL-BLOWN Online Business for almost ZERO effort.
  • Build Your Brand With A High Quality Product
  • High-Quality Content Compiled A Native English Speaking Author
  • Target A Massive Easy To Reach Profitable Audience


But there is a solution ...

High Quality PLR Products

You Can Rename And Resell Under Your Own Name And Own Brand

To be recognized as a quality content creator you need your own quality content. That's how you can become an authority figure and set your brand apart.

Your content is your most important asset. You need to be producing fresh, high-quality contents. Your content has to be the very reason that your visitors come to your site.

Product creation requires lots of hard work. So, the fastest and most rewarding way to dominate any niche is by investing in high quality PLR products to skyrocket your business!

I’ve spent years learning how to create products, how to grow businesses, and how to earn online. I know what works and what doesn’t, so I’m providing you with the best possible product to enhance and grow your brand.

You can be proud of this content. It belongs to you and you alone. You have the freedom to name this content however you wish.

Unique Full-Researched Content You Can Trust

Your content needs to contain the best quality information!

All our posts are compiled by our top writers who have years of experience producing high quality information products.

To obtain the best possible quality, the content is produced by native-speaking writers proficient in producing content at the very highest levels.

We're a reliable partner you can trust to produce content you can be proud to deliver to even the most discerning of your customers.

The material comes from many sources, but mostly, the ideas are based on the work of renowned trainers and experts.

We guarantee that what we are offering you is of the highest quality. It will definitely be worth of your investment.

It's More Than Just Images ...

It's Images PLUS A Text Post (Caption) for a full solution!

Additionally, we also provide 4 Motivational Texts for each image ...

100 Images PLUS 400 Motivational Texts (Captions)

Here's one example ...


"It is not our mistakes that define who we are; it is how we recover from those mistakes." - Bo Bennett

Failure is a part of success.

There is no way around it.

You either succeed or fail, there is no middle ground.

However, you can’t give up.

There are so many people out there who need you, they need your help, you need to be there for them and provide for them.

If you want something bad enough, you will make the necessary sacrifices and go after it.

Failure is a part of success, but failure is temporary.

We must learn from our mistakes, become better and stronger.

You should always be prepared for your next battle and plan accordingly.

We can’t control our past, however, we can control our decisions, decisions we make today will shape the direction we move our lives tomorrow.

Life is like a rollercoaster, it goes up, it goes down, it gets better, it gets worse, but you have to keep riding the rollercoaster and keep pushing towards your goals.

Don’t let your mistakes bring you down, get back on the tracks and keep pressing forward.


"It is not our mistakes that define who we are; it is how we recover from those mistakes." - Bo Bennett

Every mistake we make in life teaches us something.

Our failures and challenges teach us about ourselves and what we’re capable of doing.

We learn from them and grow.

The real value comes when we figure out what those lessons are and apply them.

If you spend your time dwelling on that mistake, then you miss out on the opportunities that lie ahead.

You have to realize that mistakes are not only a part of the process of getting to where you want to be, they’re a necessary part of the journey.

In fact, the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can start making progress toward your goals.

When you make a mistake, it’s not the end of the world.

There is always another lesson to learn and a new path to follow.

In fact, the more mistakes you make, the more paths you’ll discover.

Mistakes are inevitable. They happen to everyone. It’s how we deal with them that makes the difference.

What is the one thing that you’ve learned from a mistake?


"It is not our mistakes that define who we are; it is how we recover from those mistakes." - Bo Bennett

What do you want out of life? Is it materialistic, family, spiritual, social?

If you are having trouble identifying your core values, start with the three words that sum up your life.

I would ask you to be brutally honest here, as your answers can lead to a better understanding of your core values.

After that, you can begin to identify your goals and make sure that they align with your core values.

There are many things in life that we have no control over, such as, health, finances, family and friends, etc.

However, when it comes to your personal character and integrity, those things are within your control.

The key to this is finding inner peace within yourself.

No one can take this away from you, so you must first give it to yourself.

Once you’ve gained the courage to be true to yourself, then it’s easier to become the person you want to be.


"It is not our mistakes that define who we are; it is how we recover from those mistakes." - Bo Bennett

Every now and then, we all mess up, we all fall down.

However, if we learn from the mistakes that we make, we become better people.

We become stronger. We become more powerful.

If you make mistakes in your life, you are going to learn from those mistakes.

It’s true, every mistake in life makes us better people and teaches us important lessons.

The key is to learn from our mistakes and move on.

Don’t let the mistakes dictate who you are, who you become, or what you achieve.

I believe that everyone is flawed, and we all do things wrong.

But if we are able to recognize those mistakes, admit them, and then learn from them, then we can become better people, with better decisions and choices.

Don’t dwell on the past, look to the future and realize that everything happens for a reason.

No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes, the key is how we learn from them and move forward.

If we can learn from our mistakes and grow, then we are truly living.

You are who you are today because you recovered and got back up after that mistake.

And here's another example ...


"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey

This quote resonates with me to this day. I'm currently working on making my dream a reality.

I’m excited and nervous about this, but I’m confident that whatever comes my way I will be prepared to handle it.

I’m constantly learning new things and adapting to whatever situation I’m presented with.

There’s never a dull moment. It’s an adventure that I’m happy to experience. 

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my life is that there are no limits to what we are capable of doing.

If you set out to achieve your dreams, you will find a way to make it happen.

The best part of this journey is that you will never be disappointed because you’ll be living the life you want to live.


"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey

If you dream big, plan big and work hard enough, you can achieve anything you want in life.

Start with small goals, if you achieve them, move on to bigger ones, and when you are satisfied with your progress, stop and celebrate.

The biggest decision you can make is to stop being fearful and start living your life.

It’s okay if your path isn’t exactly what you planned.

It’s okay if you’re not where you expected to be.

You just need to pick yourself up and keep going, because the greatest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.

So, if your journey is not the life you expected, remember this… the greatest adventure is yet to come.


"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey

In order to be successful, you must set goals, big and small.

You must dream, believe, and be motivated by the vision of your dreams.

If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.

If you don’t have goals and aspirations, you’ll never grow as a person.

It is important to remember that your life is a journey and no matter where you are in the world, you can find a way to have fun and make money at the same time.

Take the best bits from every experience, learn from your mistakes and keep going.

If you have a dream and you pursue it, you will achieve it.

Don’t wait for anything, never stop dreaming and do what you need to do to achieve it.

If you want to be happy, don’t wait for someone else to take the lead, take it yourself.


"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey

Life can be full of unexpected twists and turns and if you are constantly seeking out new experiences, then you are going to find that there is always something new to learn and experience.

There are so many ways to live your life, some may seem boring to others, but that is just because they are comfortable with the routine.

When you live your life on your own terms, you will be open to the amazing opportunities that come your way.

If you feel like your life is boring or stagnant, then, start doing something different, something that makes you happy and excited to wake up each day.

You should always have some sort of ambition or dream in mind, you just need to work to achieve it.

When you choose to live a life where you are following your passion, no matter what obstacles are in your way, you can achieve anything.

And here's yet another example ...


"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller

I’m sure by now you’ve seen all the success stories and happy faces on social media, or even in person, from some of your favorite entrepreneurs, leaders, and influencers.

This is why you need to believe in yourself, in what you are capable of, and in your ability to achieve your dream and be successful.

I have worked with hundreds of people to help them achieve their goals and dreams, and the most common theme among all of them is their belief in themselves and their belief that they can achieve anything they want to achieve.

You too must learn to love and believe in yourself.

There is no secret to success.

If you want to achieve something, you’ve got to work at it.

You’ve got to want it.

That’s the difference between ordinary and extraordinary people.

When you decide you are going to achieve something, then you will.

You just have to make that decision and act on it.


"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller

In today’s world we are constantly surrounded by negativity, pessimism, and low-self-esteem.

We need to learn to have positive self-talk and be hopeful for our future.

No one can tell us what to do, how to think, or where to live.

The only thing we are responsible for is how we live our lives and the decisions we make in the present.

We must always find a way to believe in ourselves.

There are only three things that we can change in our lives; ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions.

If we are always complaining about the past, or negative, then we are never going to make any progress.

A great mindset is what drives a person to achieve more.

You must be optimistic and positive because the way to move forward is by pushing your limits.

As much as you can, stay focused and motivated on your goals.

Be the change you want to see in this world.


"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.

Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

It takes optimism to face challenges and take risks.

Believe in yourself, your goals, your ideas, and you will succeed!

Don’t get discouraged when you fall.

Get back up, dust yourself off, and carry on.

Failure is not a permanent condition; it is temporary.

Every failure is a stepping stone to the next level.

Always be optimistic and never give up on yourself or your dreams.

Keep pushing through even when the road seems rocky, you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of accomplishing once you get past the obstacles and challenges.


"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller

There are moments when you feel like giving up, but it's important to stay focused and positive.

The key is to develop an optimistic attitude. That way you won’t have to worry about the obstacles and setbacks you will face when starting your own business.

If you are worried that something bad is going to happen, or if you think you are going to fail, then you won’t have the courage to act.

Don’t get discouraged by the negative thoughts.

Believe in yourself. It’s not about the people around you, it’s about your mindset.

There is nothing else in this world that matters but yourself and what you do.  

Don’t let anyone discourage you from pursuing your dreams and goals.

Create Your Own Quotes ...

Use your own text on the 100 supplied backgrounds

All 100 images are supplied with and without text

Use a different quote - Mix-and-Match

Use a quote of your own

Use a different language

Use any text you wish

Images Without Text

Images WithText

Here's a sneek peak at some of our images ...

Forget Product Creation Hassles ...

Stop Spending A Fortune On Outsourcing ...

Slap YOUR NAME On This High Quality Content

And Easily Make Your Own


When you invest today here's what you get inside ...

Module 1 - 100 Premium Quote Images

100 Premium images at 1080x1080 resolution perfect for uploading to social media.

Module 2 - 100 Premium Quote Images WITHOUT Text

100 Premium images at 1080x1080 resolution perfect for adding your own text.

Module 3 - 400 Motivational Texts (Captions)

Four relevant motivational text posts (captions) for each of the 100 images, so that there will be variation in the postings made to the various social media channels. (See above for some samples)

A total of 400 motivational posts in total which can be used with the images, or independently of the images.

A TOTAL WORD COUNT of over 61,000 words of premium content.

Each Quote and Author is listed on a separate page, along with a thumbnail image to allow quick selection of the quotations, and choice of the related text posts.

Supplied in various formats for easy customization and distribution. (Please note there is no thumbnail in the TXT version.)

Supplied Formats


DOCX Format


ODT Format


TXT Format


PDF Format

Module 4 - PLR Licence Certificate

High Demand Social Posts Volume 5 is certified as a brand-new and 100% unique.

You will receive a full product licence proving that you own the complete Private Label Rights (PLR) to the product, and have full permission to resell, rebrand, and distribute it.

The only restrictions on rights are as follows:-

1. Cannot transfer the Private Label Rights. The PLR Rights are exclusive to you and cannot be passed onwards to your customers. Only Resell and Personal Usage Rights may be transfered.

2. Cannot be given away for free.

You will own the Non-Tranferable PLR Rights to High Demand Social Posts Volume 5 and have complete rights to rebrand, resell, and distribute it plus retain 100% of the profits.

Supplied Formats


PDF Format

One-time Low Investment for

Complete High-Quality Premium PLR Package

Get Instant Access to this complete High-Quality Premium PLR package that you can rebrand, resell, and distribute and retain 100% of the profits ... for a small one-time investment of just $37



Your Investment Is Risk-Free

Iron-Clad Guarantee

We guarantee you will love the High Demand Social Posts Volume 5 Package and offer a cast-iron money-back guarantee.

If you are not completely satisfied with the package you’re getting today, we’ll instantly refund your money.

Simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase, and we'll process your request lightning-fast.

Copyright 2021 High Profit PLR. All Rights Reserved.